Moinhos Velhos Juice Fasting Detox Retreat
Located by the Barragem da Bravura, Algarve, Portugal

Juice Detox

Barragem da Bravura

Juice Fasting Morning Juice

Trip to Ponte De Piedade

Fire Ceremony With Chris

Fire Ceremony with Chris

Juice Detox Beach Trip

Nutrition Talks with Ed

The Mill at Moinhos Velhos

Yoga Temple Quartz

Trip to Ponte da Piedade

Fire Ceremony with Chris

Sunset at Moinhos Velhos

Fresh Juice Ingredients - Ed


Organic Garden - Tom


Thai Yoga Massage with Ed

Juice at Amado Beach

Bordeira Beach

Nutrition Workshops with Ed

Fire Ceremony with Chris

Fire Ceremony - Agni Hotra Cleansing

Sunset at Moinhos Velhos

Sunrise at Moinhos Velhos

Yoga Temple at Moinhos Velhos

Body Mind & Spirit at Moinhos Velhos

Bordeira Beach

Spiral Walk Meditation with Richard

Main House in the evening
main house evening

Moinhos Velhos Fasting

Morning juice
Morning orange juice

Janni on the West coast
West coast

Juice Info

Yoga temple at night

Sunrise over pool and temple

Barragem da Bravura


Yoga Temple. Shared/single room
shared/single room

The Mill

Guest house patio and mill

Barragem da Bravura looking West

Moinhos Velhos