Moinhos Velhos Juice Fasting Detox Retreat Located by the Barragem da Bravura, Algarve, Portugal ErrorOrganic Garden - TomJuice Detox Barragem da BravuraJuice Fasting Morning JuiceTrip to Ponte De PiedadeFire Ceremony With ChrisFire Ceremony with ChrisJuice Detox Beach TripNutrition Talks with EdThe Mill at Moinhos VelhosYoga Temple QuartzTrip to Ponte da PiedadeFire Ceremony with ChrisSunset at Moinhos VelhosFresh Juice Ingredients - EdDebbyOrganic Garden - TomRichardThai Yoga Massage with EdJuice at Amado BeachBordeira BeachNutrition Workshops with EdFire Ceremony with ChrisFire Ceremony - Agni Hotra CleansingSunset at Moinhos VelhosSunrise at Moinhos VelhosYoga Temple at Moinhos VelhosBody Mind & Spirit at Moinhos VelhosBordeira Beach Spiral Walk Meditation with RichardMain House in the eveningmain house eveningMoinhos Velhos Fasting Morning juiceMorning orange juiceJanni on the West coast West coastJuice InfoYoga temple at nightSunrise over pool and templeBarragem da BravuraClinicYoga Temple. Shared/single roomshared/single roomThe MillGuest house patio and millBarragem da Bravura looking WestMoinhos Velhos